Creative & Art Direction // Media Production & Direction // Graphic Design // Strategy // Branding
Bringing a Brand to New Heights
Beyond Clothing is a small company based in Seattle, WA that specializes in expedition layering systems that can safely put people in environments around the globe from -70F to 106F in 5 layers or less. My role as Creative & Brand Lead was to lead & manage all creative and brand-related projects in every type of media, which involved designing and photographing myself, and creative directing a team of creatives. I redeveloped the brand using historical assets and a new creative strategy that I developed, then applied this brand to digital, print, retail, and tradeshow projects.
Brand Refinement
Visual Media
From social media & newsletters, to enamel pins, and even to POP displays, I lead projects of all visual types. Beyond caters to two major groups, the outdoor community and the military community, and it was my task to find a way to navigate that border to include it all and not alienate anyone.